This is the forbidden journal of David.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A walk home from school ( 3rd entry to be marked)

I was like a turtle, struggling to carry my exceedingly heavy bag as I dragged my feet out of the MRT station, and slowly headed for home. ‘Dong Ding Ding Dong…’ as I was approaching the MRT station exit, I heard music made from a chinese string insturment. Out of curiosity, I decided to search for the source of the music.

Directly outside the exit, I spied a handicapped buster performing his wonderful pieces of music. In front of him, there was a can and a short note. The note read ‘ I am sorry I cannot see you as I am blind. Please give me some loose change in exchange for my music. Thank-you!’ I immediately took pity on the buster and gave him a two-dollar note. However, I did not leave immediately. I was curious and wanted to carry out a short survey. I decided to find out how many people actually took note of the buster and gave him money.

I sat on a step of a flight of stairs opposite to observe the buster and all the passers-by. He looked extremely tired and out of breath. His shirt was soaked with sweat and he kept on panting due to the lack of energy from playing his harmonica all day long. ‘Anyone who sees him would surely donate money to this poor soul!’ I thought aloud. 15 minutes passed. Almost 50 people had walked pass him, but not a single cent was given. I was flabbergasted by the people’s ignorance to this pitiful blind buster. In fact, some passers-by even kicked or pushed aside the buster’s coin tin as it was blocking their way. I then thought, ‘ Are the lives of all these people so busy and rushed that they are blind to the less fortunate that are in need of help and money? Or are they just too stingy to give a single cent? This is awfully heartbreaking and appalling!’ It was so painful to see the buster’s tired appeal for assistance that I lowered my head and left the scene.

On my way back home, I suffered yet another shocking discovery. On the ground, there was lots of litter. Scraps of papers, cigarette butts, used tissue papers, and even large cardboard boxes were being careless dumped on the floor. The place looked like a massive rubbish dump! They were two cleaners slowly sweeping and cleaning the area in an attempt to create a spick and span environment. The cleaners were in their sixties and they looked weak and drained. To be honest, I felt really revolted as those old cleaners had to pick the letter thrown by irresponsible citizens of the public. The worst thing was the rubbish bins around the area were almost empty and the areas surrounding the bins were filled with litter!

Is this what the citizens of Singapore are doing to create a gracious society? Does this demonstrate how Singaporeans neglect their environment? Does this exhibit how ineffective the government is to attempt to create a gracious society? I feel that the start of a gracious society must come from the people themselves. If we are responsible for our own actions, inevitably we will also care for others. A gracious society does not start from the government, but come from us. As the famous saying goes (with some modification), “Ask not what others can do for you, but ask what you can do for others.’ It is always better to give than to receive.

An incident that occured while walking home ( 2nd entry to be marked)

Excitement filled the air. Chinese New Year songs blasted through the loud speakers. I beamed from ear to ear as I strode into the bustling night market. ‘ Come buy! Come buy! A dollar for two!’ screams from stall owners were often heard. Somehow, I loved night markets. This is because night markets often bring life to my quiet neighborhood. The various items sold in night markets are also affordable and the food also tastes fantastic! In fact, whenever I think of night markets, the first thing that strikes my mind is the exotic, mouth watering, Ramly Burgers that taste absolute heavenly!

After half an hour of roaming around the night market, looking at music CDs, colorful clothing and lip smacking glorious food, it was time to return home. I stole a quick glance at my watch. I nearly fainted. It was already 10.30pm! I had to take a short cut to avoid being reprimanded by my parents for returning home at such a late time. I turned around and walked straight towards a long dark deserted alley that would reduce my walking distance by more than half.

When I entered the alley, I started to walk briskly. I always hated walking pass this particular alley at night as it was dark and creepy. The only source of light was the moon.

‘Meow! Erk! Slash!’ Just then, I heard some rather bizarre sounds and cries coming from the back of a rubbish bin. A sudden surge of curiously overtook me. I had a burning anxiety to see what was going on behind that rubbish bin. I slowly crept toward the rubbish bin and took a quick glance.

I froze in shock. Behind the rubbish bin, I witnessed two stray cats ferociously battling over some scarps of leftover food. I stood deep rooted into the ground as I saw how the black stray cat punctured it long sharp claws into the gray cat’s fur. Blood oozed out of the cat’s skin and the gray cat shrieked in pain. However, the gray cat immediately fought back. It used its head to knock the black cat off its feet. The gray cat then drew its claws and prepared to stab the black cat in its stomach. By then, I suddenly snapped out of my trance and quickly kicked the rubbish bin to chase both cats away before anyone of the cats sustain any further injuries.

As I continued to walk through the alley, I reflected on the incident that I had seen. I understood the meaning of the survival of the fittest and strongest. I instantly recalled a story that I read of a few years back…

Two men were stranded on a jungle. They were all hot on their heels as they were running away from an enormous starving tiger. After running for a long time, Jack decided to bend down to tie his shoelaces. Tom also stopped and panted, ‘ Hey! How do you intend to outrun this tiger?’ Jack slowly raised his head and replied, ‘ I do not need to outrun the tiger, all I need is to outrun you! For the slowest man will be eaten.’

Competition is part and parcel of life. We must always strive to be among the fittest and strongest so that we will not be left behind and be content to be with the second best.

Monday, January 14, 2008

My first Boy's Brigade Adventure Quest training (1st entry to be marked)

‘Success is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.’ This statement made by Thomas Edison is very true! Only with sheer hard work, the impossible will be accomplished and success will arrive! This is something I learnt though training sessions conducted during my CCA to prepare us for a competition…

‘Huff puff huff puff…’I panted as I pushed myself beyond my limits. ‘Just another three more laps round the school and my 7 km run is over!’ I tried my best to motivate myself but I was just too tired and breathless to think positively. I was determined to finish the 7 km jog as I was running under the baking red-hot sun. Now, you would think, why am I jogging in such weather and in such a long, torturous distance when I should be in the comfort of my home revising my homework or watching television?

Well, every year, the Boys’ Brigade of Singapore organises an extremely physically challenging competition known as the Boys’ Brigade Adventure Quest (BBAQ). This competition is an adventure race to promote characteristics of teamwork, endurance, fighting spirit and to encourage youths to attempt activities across rural and urban Singapore.

This year, I have decided to take on the challenge of participating in this event and represent my Victoria School in the competition. Thus I had to train very hard twice a week. From all these intense and vigorous training, the values of perseverance, determination, and the courage to take on great challenges were instilled in me.

As I kept on running laps after laps around the school, two words kept flashes across my mind, ‘ NEVER STOP’! I knew that once I stop running and walk to catch my breath, I would lose my momentum, thus making it an uphill task to pick up my rhythm again. I faced up to the challenge and never stopped. My face was red and drenched with sweat and heat. I was feeling giddy from exhaustion. However, as the saying goes, ‘ Sports do not create a character, it reveals them.’ And through the 7 km run, I realized the importance of determination. I managed to complete the run in a timing of 39minutes, and I did not stop running till the end!

‘ Wow! That run felt like marathon!’ I said jokingly as I cooled myself down after the torturous run. To be honest, after the fifth lap around the school, I felt that it is more the mind rather than fitness that would determine whether I could complete the run in a good timing. As the saying goes, ‘Mind over body’. With a mind filled with determination and motivation, one will succeed as the state of mind will eventually triumph over the state of the body.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

First Week Of School

Day one

‘Ring…ring…ring…’the alarm clock was getting louder and more deafening. I smacked the snooze button on the alarm clock and gazed sheepishly at the time. ‘What! It is already 6am! My school bus will be arriving in ten minutes time!’ I blurted to myself. Instantly, I jumped out of my bed and race through my morning routine. After a frantic race against time, I was just in time to board the crowded school bus.

In the bus, I noticed many new faces who are presumably secondary one pupils. They all looked very anxious and lost as they were trying to adapt to the environment of Victoria School. When I saw the looks on their faces, I smiled as they reminded me of my first day of school. Soon, we arrived at our beloved school and I walked slowly and lazily up the four long endless flights of stairs.

After the usual morning assembly, we returned to class for our Form Teacher Period. Our form teacher is the same as the one last year and we know him very well. He is Mr Ron Tan, a young and energetic teacher who is not only kind but also caring. In my view, he is like a potter and we are like his clay which he will painstakingly shape us into unique treasured pots.

To my surprise, I am appointed the monitor of my class again! I feel that it is a great honor to be the class monitor as it not only build up my leadership skills, but it also helps me to understand how to lead with both my head and my heart. Being a monitor, I also really wish to be a role model for everyone. Therefore, I must put in my 100% in everything I do. I must also be responsible and courteous to uphold the monitor’s badge.

Well, besides being elected as the monitor, nothing really special happened on the first day.

Day two

The second day of school actually marked a very special occasion for me. This is because, today is the third of January, and it is my birthday! Of course, I kept very silent about it, as I did not want my classmates to know about my special day. The second day of school was nothing really special. However, the school was quieter as ¼ of the school population was missing due to the fact that all the secondary one students were having their orientation camp outside the school.

During recess, I played soccer in the new school field. The feeling of playing on artificial turf was like heaven! There was no mud and it was just a perfect place to play outdoor sports and enjoy the fresh air!

Day three

Today is Friday, the day before a well-deserved weekend! During English lesson today, we learnt about how to make a blog. It was very captivating as this is the very first time I ever created one. I really had lots of fun creating my own design and choosing a good template that suits my taste!

In my view, I feel that we ought to be careful with what is written inside our blogs. This is because blogs are meant to be a personal diary to write your thoughts and feelings of events that happened. However, anyone can gain excess to a blog and read all your personal thoughts and hence intrude into your privacy.

Today, we also attended our first history and science lesson. During history lesson, we learnt about Singapore during the 1800s. I never knew Singapore had so much history despite the fact that it is a small young nation.

During science lesson, we discovered and ventured into the wonderful world of plants. Even though plants appear to be still and ‘lifeless’ at times, there is a lot of activities going on in the cell of the plats. It was an extremely interesting lesson!


In conclusion, the first week of school has been great so far. Not only have I gained new knowledge, I also feel challenged to work even harder to strive to be a better person, student and monitor!
